Shuffle Albums (2022)

My shuffle trilogy was released on December 23-25, 2022, one album each day.

Each album is made up of a lot of very short tracks containing just one or a few notes each, and the idea is to play them on shuffle and get a never ending, never repeating tune.

Shuffle this album to get a beautiful flute melody
Shuffle this album to get a superb drumbeat
Shuffle this album to get a wacky bassline

— Examples —

Something that makes this idea so cool, in my opinion, is that you can play all those albums from different devices at the same time (or different combinations of them) and get a whole random orchestra. Here is a little demonstration for how it might sound like.



The idea of a shuffle album first came to my mind around 2014/2015 and was in fact the thought behind my 2017 album Debris, with very short songs that have no beginning and no end, creating a never ending tune. Eventually though, Debris didn’t give me the result I really wanted in the sense of a consistent random song/tune. The idea came back to my head as a never-ending random flute melody on November 29, 2022, and the random drumbeat album came a few minutes later. The idea for a third, random bassline album came the day after, with the thought of the possibility of playing them together at the same time to create a random orchestra. And so, the first three weeks of December 2022 were dedicated to completing and releasing this trilogy.

I want to express my deepest thankfulness to Dodo my friend for both the website and for trying some very sophisticated programming trickery (which almost worked!!) for putting the albums on Bandcamp.

Also my greatest thanks to Moria Rabbani, who took the photo of the artworks for the cover arts!


